Pilates Myths Number One


There are a lot of myths around pilates and teaching... I thought it might be good to share my musings to see if it resonates with others, and also to give clients an insight into our world... so here goes myth no 1; a great teacher doesn’t need help in their own pilates practise...I’m a good teacher, who is confident in their abilities. But it doesn’t mean that I only do my own pilates workouts! I take regular classes from teachers I love; sometimes I go to teachers who I’ve never heard of; and sometimes my clients might find me next to them on a mat at my studio, The Wellness Cabin. Why? Because pilates is all about self development and trying new things. There is nothing more refreshing than finding a teacher who’s style resonates and inspires; that has you asking questions about how you do things. And my clients benefit from this, as I’m always bringing new things to the party! Pilates is also about precision and correction. My body is great at “cheating” exercises it doesn’t like, but really needs. A teacher is there to spot this and coax it in the right direction! So if you spot your teacher on the mat, and if you see them being corrected, it doesn’t mean we are a bad teacher! In fact, I believe it means the exact opposite...
